Applying for Five Star Equestrian
IEA Team 2024-2025 Season
1. Applicants new to FSE must submit a 2 minute video demonstrating their riding ability (i.e. show videos, videos of lessons, etc.).
2. Applicants must submit a short written letter listing:
a. Qualifications and at what level they feel they should compete and why
b. Goals and how they will contribute to the team spirit (i.e. are you a team player, what leadership role will you play, etc. – have a friend or parent help you to create a video if you do not have one)
3. Completed Parent & Rider Expectations Form (Page 12 in Handbook)
4. Completed FSE IEA Team Application (Page 13 in Handbook)
The DEADLINE for Applicants not already riding with Five Star Equestrian is July 31, 2024 (if you miss this deadline, please contact us so that we can let you know if there are still spaces on our teams). Please send applications to and in the subject line please enter: Your Name – 2024 IEA Application
Team Captain (Upper Level):
Applicants joining the high school team can also apply to be team captain. Application is available on page 14 of Handbook and must be submitted by August 31st.
We will have Middle School “Captains in Training” position available as well. The Middle School Team will vote for their captain once the season has begun.
Home Show:
We will be hosting at least two shows this year over Labor Day Weekend and all families participating in IEA will need to help in some way. Please see our IEA Team Handbook with additional information about costs, rules, volunteer opportunities, etc.