Interscholastic Equestrian Association Team
Riding for and competing with IEA provides our riders with the opportunity to be a part of a supportive team environment, while making good friends and having fun. Through this experience we make every effort to:
- Support the goals of the Interscholastic Equestrian Association.
- Build confident and skilled riders through quality training, team support and exposure to competition.
- Introduce new riders to the equestrian sport.
- Receive Potential Scholarships for our riders. College scholarships are currently available from the Interscholastic Equestrian Association, United States Pony Club, and others.
- Enhance College Attractiveness. Even if the rider decides not to participate on an equestrian team in college, participation at the High School level makes available leadership opportunities and responsibilities, which can be tremendously beneficial on college applications.
Our success depends on a strong commitment from our riders and parents. We rely on parent volunteers and the support of each rider. We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of parents and riders to work with in addition to a great facility. Five Star Equestrian congratulates New Members and Returning Members to our team and looks forward to a fun and successful year! For additional information, visit the IEA website at www.rideiea.org
Contact US

We are looking forward to another great IEA season! Please contact us if you’d like to join our teams.
Download our IEA Handbook for Information & Application Forms
Key Points
Interscholastic Equestrian Association Mission and Objectives
The mission of IEA is to introduce students in private and public middle and secondary schools (primarily ages 11 through 19) to equestrian sports, to provide information concerning the creation and development of school associated equestrian programs, to develop understanding and appreciation of equestrian sports through organized student competitions, to provide students with organized competitive events and to provide additional equine educational opportunities. Also, there are opportunities for these students to earn scholarship money. Through the IEA, students may have the opportunity to earn scholarships towards their college education. IEA Objectives
IEA Objectives
• To promote the equestrian as an athlete.
• To provide students with organized competitive opportunities.
• To introduce new riders to equine sports.
• To promote the IEA among middle, and secondary schools.
• To provide students with opportunities for further education equine sports and other
• equine-related matters.
• To encourage liaison with USA Equestrian, Inc., IHSA and other interested bodies.
• To provide information concerning the creation and development of school associated mounted and non-mounted equestrian programs.
• To establish and enforce IEA rules, standards and policies.
• To evolve with the continuing progress of equestrian sports.
• To generally promote the common interests of safe riding instruction and competition and education on matters related to the horse industry and all segments thereof.
IEA Competitions
The unique aspect of these competitions, both at the local and national level, is that none of the riders will supply their own horses or tack. Instead, the horses, saddle and other tack are all provided to the students at the show. The host team arranges for the horses and equipment.
Essentially, the horse is new to the rider, and the scores are based upon horsemanship, not the horse. The competitions involve six classes jumping over fences no greater than three feet and numerous flat equitation classes. The IEA is an affiliate of the United States Equestrian Federation, the United States Hunter Jumper Association, and the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association.
For more information on IEA please go to: https://www.rideiea.org/
How IEA Works
IEA is comprised of multiple Zones located regionally. Zones are divided into smaller Regions. Five Star Equestrian is in Zone 10, which currently includes teams from Nevada, California and Hawaii.
Time Commitment
• Shows: Typically, our team attends 1 -2 day shows per month. Team Administrator schedules riders in up to five (5) shows over the season. A typical show day runs from 7a to 5p on Sunday. However, we do attend shows that are back to back over one weekend. These run 7a to 5p on both Saturday and Sunday.
• Practice Meets: We host five (5) team meets at our facility per season, one (1) per month starting in September. These provide an opportunity to practice as a team and bond. These
generally run from 8a-10a, however, riders do need to arrive at 7:30am to tack up horses.
• Fundraising: we hope to have a minimum of 1-2 fundraisers per season that require full participation, plus selling ads for our hosted show. You may opt out of ONE fundraiser per
year by a direct payment instead of the activity. We strongly encourage you and your rider to participate in the activities and support the opportunity to do some team bonding!
• Hosted Shows: Our team is required to host or co-host two (2) shows (minimum) each season. These require help from all parents and riders, both in planning and at the shows.
Regular Show Season
• Each rider can compete in a maximum of five (5) shows during the regular season, September through January. A commitment to show in a minimum of three (3) shows is required from each member.
• Team will attend more than five (5) shows to allow everyone the opportunity to compete in five shows.
• There are four (4) levels of competition for Middle and High School Team riders ranging from beginning to varsity riding on the flat to jumping 2’6” fences.
• Team coach place riders in the appropriate classes (over fences & flat classes) based on the rider’s skill level and the needs of the team. IEA recommends, since this is catch riding, that a rider show in a lower over fence class than they are used to showing in on their own. For a new rider who has shown in a rated USEF hunter/jumper show in the past, the most current
show listing and results must be presented at the time of registration. Returning riders and those who have not shown in a rated show do not need to do this.
• Riders usually compete in a single level for both flat and over fences classes.
• Individual points are earned and recorded both by our team, our region (3), our zone (10) and the IEA national Organization as follows:
1st place—7 points
2nd place—5 points
3rd place—4 points
4th place—3 points
5th place—2 points
6th place—1 point
• Team coach also chooses one (1) rider per class as the “Point Rider” for each show. The riders are not given the identity of the point rider. Any points earned by this rider during that show will also count toward the team’s overall score. At the end of the show, the point riders’ points are added up for each team, and team points are earned as follows:
1st place Champion—7 points
2nd place Reserve Champion—5 points
3rd place—4 points
4th place—3 points
5th place—2 points
6th place—1 point
Region Finals “Regionals”
• Regionals are held locally in late February or early March and are run over 2 days on the same weekend.
• If a rider accumulates 15 or more points in a season they qualify to compete in Regionals.
• If a team accumulates 20 or more points in a season, the team qualifies to compete in Regionals.
• The Coach will decide the riders who will compete in each class for the team at Regionals based on point accumulation, team spirit and participation, as well as overall skill level.
Coach has final say. Typically, the team placements remain unchanged once chosen for Regionals. However, the coach may substitute team members for Zones and Nationals.
• A rider may qualify individually and also be chosen as a team representative. This means they will compete twice, in both the individual and team rounds.
Zone Finals “Zones” and National Finals “Nationals”
• Zones may be held anywhere in Zone 10 (even Hawaii) and will run over 2 days on the same weekend. Individual and team competition may be on either day based on schedule.
• Generally, the top 3 riders in each individual class and the top 2-3 teams at Regionals advance to Zones. (This number may vary according to total number of registered riders in the Zone).
• Advancing to Nationals is done similarly.
• Nationals rotates between the Zones, but typically is held on the East Coast.
• Riders are responsible for their own travel costs for Zones and Nationals and also split the Coach’s travel costs for Zones and Nationals. The Team may be able to assist in Coach’s
travel costs through fundraising as well. This is determined year by year.
Horse Assignments
• IEA does not require participants to own a horse. Horses are provided by the show hosts.
• The horses are pooled based on what classes they are appropriate for and randomly assigned to riders through a blind draw.
• Riders are judged on their own ability and are not supposed to be penalized for horse error.
• All IEA competitions are judged by IEA registered judges.
• These are agreed upon by all teams who are participating in each show.
Registration & FSE Member Fees & Expenses
IEA Registration Fee (Register and Pay Online)
$60 paid on IEA website via credit card or PayPal (Must be completed and paid online before
Nov 1st to join for the current season) – see IEA Membership Guidelines & Information sheet.
How To Register For IEA
- Go online to rideiea.org and click on “Membership” tab
- Complete the “Rider” application” & print it out (Team Name is Five Star Equestrian)
- Make sure to also print your proof of payment before you exit registration or get copy in your email inbox
- Rider and parent/guardian BOTH need to sign the form in the lower righthand corner
- Turn in your registration form with your proof of payment to us – we will complete the process (do not mail in your form)a) It takes up to 15 days to add a rider, so please do this as soon as possibleb) Please email team administrator a scanned version of the signed rider application & proof of payment so that I can complete the registration process
FSE IEA Team Costs and Fees (Existing FSE Clients)
- Annual Fee: $2500/season (includes IEA team practices and Team Registration Fee – $500 discount for those who provide horses for shows)
- Monthly Fees: riders must be riding at least twice a week during IEA season (Show Team
Packages and Lesson Packages/riding twice a week will cover this requirement)
- Class Fees: $45*/class at regular season shows, $60*/class at finals (regional, zone, etc.).
- Trainer Expenses & Fees at shows (depends on number of participants & location of show, local shows cost less than away shows that require hotel accommodations – all will be split among competitors) – *Class fees for 2023-2024 have not yet been releaseda) A $500 coaching fee is charged for each day of a show and split among competitors – this amount does not include trainer expenses, which will also be split among competitors for each show (please keep in mind that out of town shows may include hotel costs)b) When our team is co-hosting or hosting a show at home or away, team members will split any costs associated with hosting that show (i.e. stall fees, haul in fees, judge’s fees, etc.)
- Team jacket and polo or any other items needed (i.e. matching chairs, blankets, etc.)
FSE IEA Team Costs and Fees (if not a regular FSE Client – all levels)
If you are not a regular FSE client, then you will need to do lessons with us during the IEA
season. Below are the fees for these lessons and all other fees above apply as well.
- $550/month – for riders qualified for Over Fences & Flat Classes – due on the 25th of each month starting with August 25th (Regular season: September 1 through January 31, Region Finals: February, Zone Finals: March, etc.) to continue membership – includes up to 2 lessons/week during season – no make ups available
- $300/month – for riders qualified for Flat Classes only – due on the 25th of each month starting with August 25th (Regular season: September 1 through January 1, Region Finals: February, Zone Finals: March, etc.) to continue membership – includes up to 1 lesson/week during season – no make ups available
Drop Out Fee (All Levels): if any member drops off the team before the end of the regular season, a $1000 fee will be charged in addition to the non-refundable annual fee. Since spots are limited, we need a commitment for the entire regular season. Members are NOT required to move on to the Region, Zone or National Finals.
Other Expenses
- Team Parka: $TBD
- Team Sun Shirt: $TBD
- Team Polo: $TBD
- Team Chair: $TBD
- Team Blanket: $TBD
- Show Attire: Rider must come to shows in complete hunter show attire (see requirements on next page). If you are interested in second-hand apparel, please let our Manager know.
Note: we are looking for a volunteer to coordinate purchases of apparel and other matching items for the team.
Show Attire, Gear & Equipment
Show Attire (required for each rider)
• Black or dark colored show coat
• White or light colored long-sleeved show shirt or Ratcatcher
• Tan riding breeches
• Black belt
• Black leather field boots
• Black riding show helmet (ASTM Certified, not a plastic riding helmet, preferably a Charles Owens or similar helmet)
• Black gloves
• Hair net (RWR are the best and please purchase in correct hair color)
Practice Attire
• Breeches (can be show breeches, but recommend 2nd pair)
• Fitted collared shirt (polo or your team polo)
• Riding helmet (ASTM Certified, can be show helmet)
• Hair net (for long hair)
• Black field boots or Paddock boots (optional)
• Half chaps (optional)
Individual Gear
• Black Crop
• Tom Thumb Spur (larger spurs NOT permitted in IEA)
Team Gear
• Team Jacket (required)
• Team Polo Shirt (required)
Competitions & What To Expect At Shows
IEA show days can be very long depending on the number of teams and individual riders participating. Some show hosts will limit the number of riders from one team in a given class to keep competitions running smoothly and on time. It is important that when the Team Administrator sends in the entry for a show, that the number of riders per class from each team be identified. This may or may not keep some riders from participating, but it is best to know early so that riders can be told if they are going or not. When several riders from the same team, who compete in the same class, want to go to a show and space is restricted, coaches will make the decision on who goes based on several criteria (i.e. how many shows they’ve already done, how committed they are to the team, how many points they have accumulated during the season, etc.).
Delays during the day may occur due to re-rides, weather issues, horse issues or rider issues. Expect the show days to run from 7a to 5p, although some shows will end earlier.
Over Fences classes run in the morning and Flat classes run in the afternoon. Classes run from the highest level to the lowest level in each.
All FSE riders attending the show are expected to contribute equally and stay for the entire show, even if they finish early, to support their teammates who may be competing at the end of the day. Teammates are expected to support each other at all times, helping each other to get ready, cheering on teammates during classes and supporting teammates when they are discouraged after a class.
Parents can help with making sure that riders and coaches have food and water throughout the day. Parents will play a big role at co-hosted and hosted shows as well.
Please see “Expectations of Parents and Riders” section.
The FSE IEA Team will practice, compete, support each other and win or lose as a TEAM!
Parent & Rider Expectations
Parent Commitment
• Assist with team sponsored shows
• Assist with 100% of team fundraising activities
• Make sure riders are present at all lessons, shows, show preparations and team events
• Attend parent meetings and team meetings when applicable
• Fiscally responsible for IEA fees, lesson fees, show and trainer fees, and riding apparel
• Respect the coach and the show sponsor’s decisions
• Come out to team practice meets to support team and help handle horses
Rider Commitment
• Compete in three (3) to five (5) regular shows per season
• Be respectful of trainers, parents, fellow riders, and other teams at ALL times
• Attend and participate in 100% of team fundraising events
• Be responsible for horse and equipment management/care at shows
• Be grateful for the horses you draw at shows – Ask handlers about the horse before you mount and
thank them for the horse & their assistance when you are done with your class
• Be available to the trainers at all times during the show to assist
• Attend all team meetings
• Respect trainer, team captain and team administrator decisions
• Respect any trainer decisions that are made at shows or at practice meets
• Respect the horses/ponies and the facility at ALL times
• Show up for practice meets on time, ready to ride your best, as if you were showing
• Take good care of the horses/ponies after each ride and at the end of practice meets
• ALWAYS have a positive attitude
• Keep tack stations, tack rooms, tack and equipment well organized and clean at home and at shows
• Clean school tack and groom horses before and after shows and practice meets
Substance Use Policy
There is a zero-tolerance substance use policy among kids, teens and parents during competitions. We
ask that parents refrain from brining alcoholic beverages to IEA Shows and Practices. Any violation to
this policy may lead to expulsion from the team.
FSE IEA Team Captain
The IEA Team Captain and/or Co-Captain position is open for a high school team member who would like to assume a leadership role on the team. Team captains are responsible for attending and assisting at most, if not all, competitions and events, building team spirit, and supporting fellow team members throughout the season. This position is open for anyone who has NOT already assumed the FSE Captain or Co-Captain position the prior year and priority will be given to new applicants who qualify. Captain and Co-Captain Positions are selected based on your IEA experience, essay, horsemanship experience, team spirit, and respectful and positive attitude.
- 14 years old or older
- 1 year or more IEA competition experience
- Positive, mature and respectful attitude and conduct
- Ability to foster supportive, friendly relationships with team members
- Desire to model and teach effective horsemanship at all times
- Either Captain or Co-Captain must be able to attend ALL REGULAR SEASON IEA SHOWS (whether schedule to ride or not)
- Must submit a 250-300 word essay explaining why you think you could make a good Team FSE IEA Captain.
Explain what you value most about IEA, your goals as Captain and how they would add to the team in a positive way.
- Attend ALL regular season IEA shows (whether scheduled to ride or not) from start to finish
- Prepare and bring a “spirit” item to each show (good luck token, treat, message, etc. to motivate and encourage teammates)
- Be available ringside and in the warm up area to assist with boot polishing, supporting a teammate, and grabbing last minute items like crops and spurs
- Plan 2-3 team bonding events/parties throughout the season
- Plan, purchase/make and present end of year gifts for teammates
- Participate fully in all fundraisers
- Conduct oneself in a mature, friendly, supportive manner to all teammates, administrators, coaches, fellow teams and others associated with FSE IEA.
Please complete this application below and turn into Cassandra or Leah anytime before August 15th. Then write and turn in your essay (described above) via email to Cassandra and Leah at: 5starequestrian@gmail.com. Deadline for essay is August 31st.
I am applying to be a Team FSE IEA Captain
Name of Applicant:
How many years have you been on an IEA Team:
Name of prior IEA Team(s):
Please turn in this form to Cassandra or Leah as soon as possible and submit your written essay by August 31st.